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Back to listings Save - dropship furniture ecommerce opportunity
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Furniture Shop
Site Age
Less than 1 year

Asking Price: £5,000
Turnover: On Request
Net Profit: On Request

Net Profit for the last 12 months

Performance Overview

Business details


A rare opportunity to acquire a dropship furniture ecommerce opportunity with unlimited potential. This is a ground-level opportunity that has not yet started to trade.


No stock or warehouse required – all furniture is drop-shipped direct from the UK trade supplier to your customers.


This professionally developed website has been innovatively created using the popular Shopify ecommerce platform. Shopify offers a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for building and managing online stores, making it the most popular choice for businesses looking to establish a strong e-commerce presence. There are over 5000 Shopify Apps available to aid order automation, marketing, newsletters and much more.


Ambiantly – home furniture : Summary


• Desirable business name and .com domain:


• Created on Shopify ecommerce platform which is easy to use and inexpensive


No experience necessary


No stock, warehouse or logistics required


• Over 1400 items of furniture listed and ready to sell


• All products sourced direct from one UK trade supplier


• All next-day deliveries (and returns) organised by the trade supplier


• Low overheads – work from home - anywhere


• Ready for a full launch – save time and stress with this ready-made ecommerce business


I have over 40 years experience of running businesses including over 20 years in ecommerce. I am now semi-retired and have stepped back from the day-to-day business management. However, over the years I have had many ecommerce ideas and made many valuable contacts with trade suppliers. In recent times I have created affordable business opportunities for individuals and companies to acquire and progress. This has a 100% success rate and I can provide references from previous satisfied clients if necessary. I provide help and advice before and after the purchase of the opportunity and set everything up so that you can trade from day 1 and start seeing income/profits immediately.


Monetisation Methods


Products Used


Sale Includes

  • Shopify
  • Design unique

Contact Seller


Contact the seller for more details, or book a viewing

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Do not pay any deposit to private sellers upfront. If you are looking to purchase a business, we advise that any deposits or transactions made are through a solicitor to prevent fraudulent activities from occuring.

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Do not share confidential information with any private sellers, including your home address, account passwords, bank accounts and credit card information.

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The vast majority of these scams involve the transfer of substantial sums of money. We advise all transactions made are through a solicitor to prevent fraudulent activities from occuring.

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Send a test amount before you consider handing over a large amount of funds. Maybe even try transferring £1, and then speaking to your solicitor to confirm receipt.

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Do not disclose proof of funds directly to the sellers. If the sellers request you to show proof of funds, we advise that it is done through a solicitor to prevent fraudulent activities from occuring.

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Buying a business is not covered by consumer rights legislation. It is your responsibility to acquire a business that holds up in quality and agreement.

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Fraudsters will typically use false news in an attempt to get you to act quickly. For example, 'Your account has been disabled. Reset your password now.'.

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Review the performance of a business to make appropriate financial projections. Some businesses are dormant or not trading, so it is essential to check their short and long-term potential.

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Legitimate emails from Rightbiz will be with the domain However, emails from [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] are not affiliated with Rightbiz.

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