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Award-Winning Science Ed-Tech Events Platform for Sale

High-profile Educational Party, Workshop & Events Provider Photo 1
High-profile Educational Party, Workshop & Events Provider
  • Turnover: £1,300,000 (£25,000 Per week)
  • Net Profit: £358,000 (28% Profit margin)

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Business Details

High profile Educational Party, Workshop & Events Provider

Award-Winning Educational Party, Workshop & Events Provider, UK-wide business with a High-profile Brand

TURNOVER (FY24 Forecast)  £1.3m
ADJ. EBITDA  £0.358m

Because our client is extremely well-known, only limited details are available at this stage. The sale of this business is being represented jointly by KBS and our sister company, Quantuma Advisory. Quantuma has identified the above client as a strong investment opportunity. Benefits of investment include:

•        Multiple income streams, including children’s parties, primary school workshops, public events, and an online learning platform
•        High-profile brand; winner of multiple prestigious awards, and appearances on prime-time television programmes, creating maximum brand exposure
•        A large party, workshop and events provider, the company delivers 1,000’s of events each year
•        A Large, diverse customer base of parents, schools and organisations, including prestigious brands such as Mercedes, the NHS, National Science Museum and Arsenal Football Club
•        Scalable, cash-generative business model sustaining with extensive expansion capabilities
•        Multiple significant growth opportunities identified, including both domestic and international geographical expansion, and diversification into new sectors

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The vast majority of these scams involve the transfer of substantial sums of money. We advise all transactions made are through a solicitor to prevent fraudulent activities from occuring.

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Send a test amount before you consider handing over a large number of funds. Maybe even try transferring £1, and then speaking to your solicitor to confirm receipt.

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Fraudsters will typically use false news in an attempt to get you to act quickly. For example, 'Your account has been disabled. Reset your password now.'.

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Review the performance of a business to make appropriate financial projections. Some businesses are dormant or not trading, so it is essential to check their short and long-term potential.

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Legitimate emails from Rightbiz will be with the domain However, emails from [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] are not affiliated with Rightbiz.

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