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Software Allergen Menus For Restaurants
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Food & Drink Business
Site Age

Asking Price: £6,500
Turnover: On Request
Net Profit: On Request

Net Profit for the last 12 months

Performance Overview

Business details

I acquired this product about 6 months ago. The product is fully built, tested and ready to be sold and onboarded by customers from day 1!


Many restaurant chains have been in the firing line for deaths related to allergies, from Pret to Byron burgers. The Food Standards Agency are pushing the government to change the law on allergen labelling in restaurants.


Right now, if you have a food allergy, you rely on staff who don't necessarily know the ingredients of the food they're serving—horrible allergen folders that are difficult to understand and this could be a matter of life or death.


Dietary Menu would be used by restaurants to display their allergen (and other dietary) information that they're required to do so by law. It's super quick and easy to use as a diner.


Here's how it works:

1. The restaurant adds a QR code to their menu or displays it elsewhere via a personalised link.
2. The diner scans the OR code and goes to a mobile-friendly version of the menu (no app to download and the site is branded with the restaurant's logo) 
3. The diner selects their dietary preferences and allergens they need to avoid 
4. The diner sees a version of the menu showing what they can safely eat


Here's a walk-through of the admin/backend:


What the sale includes:

  • Domain names: and 
    * The web app (the dietary/allergen menu) 
    * Transfer of the marketing website; it's currently offline 
    * Contact details of a developer and designer who would be able to modify the software (note they're not on any minimum contract, but they're there if you want to use them)
  • Social media profile
  • Artwork/logos

This is a software business; there is no physical location. Great as a side project and to work from home.


We have only been approaching hospitality businesses since the beginning of January this year and have had great feedback. There are currently 4 active users from very little sales outreach. Emails and a few LinkedIn messages sent.


The business is being sold for around 1/3 of what has been invested in developing it; however, I'd rather someone who has the capacity actually builds on it and does something with it!


Reason for sale:

I acquired Dietary Menu in November 2024 to build up as a side project. Unfortunately, I am now helping care for my mother as well as a toddler so I really don’t have the time it deserves.

It would benefit most from someone who's able to approach restaurant owners and chains to sell the product. It's built and ready to go as it is.


Get in touch if you have any questions; I'm responsive.



Expansion Potential:

There are 32,000 full service restaurants and 37,000 take aways and food stands in the UK alone


Competition / Market:

There are a few allergen menu apps out there, but they often require you to download an app/are slow and clunky. Without even translating, it could be taken abroad to the likes of Australia, NZ, and the US.


Reasons for selling:

I don't have capacity to work on the business. I'm working full time - it would benefit most from someone who's able to approach restaurant owners and chains to sell the product. It's ready to go as it is.


Support & training:

Willing to provide a handover to the new owner


Monetisation Methods

Services & Subscriptions

Products Used


Yearly Business Expenses


Sale Includes

  • Support

Contact Seller

Contact the seller for more details, or book a viewing

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