Small Haberdashery / Craft Supplies Business for Sale.
Located in prominent Shopping Centre in busy Midlands Town Centre.
Area of town & outskirts are currently undergoing rapid expansion and the retail customer base is due to double over the next two - three years.
The business itself was bought as a going concern some 17 / 18 years ago and was itself an evolvement of a former indoor market stall that had been going for 30 years prior to that. The original indoor market was restructured to allow for a shopping centre to be created, and the original market stall owner decided to transfer his business into one of the new lock up retail shops being created.
We purchased the business from the original owner when he came into ill health, primarily on the advice of my Mother-in-Law who was the shop manager at the time, she assured us that it was not only a good investment but also has lots of scope for stocking lots of lines that the previous owner was not interested in pursuing.
We started with a name change to a more modern sounding and catchy new logo design "Sew & So", this was instead of G. Parker Haberdashery. The new lines started to appear and a more usable layout adopted inside the shop unit & within the first two -3 years of taking over we had almost trippled previous sales.
Sales soon levelled out to just over double of that of the previous owner. And we have had a nice little steady profit coming in for over 10 years.
Any one that takes on the business has the oportunity to make more money by working the day to day shifts themselves thus saving the wages bill that we are paying out. We only pay basic rates but they do keep increasing each year !
We are selling the business as a going concern with full rights to the trading name "Sew & So" and the logo designs, full access to our suppliers & stockists, etc. The business will be sold with all our fixtures and fittings included, signage and stock & goodwill.
The shop is a small lock up unit with rear access to car parking / delivery areas and also a self contained stock room on the upper floor via external staircase. Also has shared toilet facilities with the next door shop (a jewellers), double doors to the front & double fronted windows. The shop is in a self contained small shopping centre with a variety of small businesses and trades going on. The shopping centre is fully contained and locked up outside of trading hours, it benefits from it's own security team, CCTV, etc.
There is scope for expansion with larger units being available from the local landlord (not some London based equity firm but an actual owner that you can approach and talk to), as well as as the customer base in the town expanding dramatically bringing in new families / trade.
We have recently established an online sales presence, with a steadily growing turnover.
The location is a large town in the Midlands called NUNEATON, in between Coventry & Hinckley on the border of Warwickshire & Liecestershire. We have customers coming to us from as far as Tamworth to buy supplies, and also local dressmakers, etc. that live in outskirting villages / towns.
We feel we can no longer give the business our full attention which is taken up with my other main business interests (the motor trade), so it is time to give someone a chance at having their own in-expensive ready made business to run. It would be a great little project for anyone who has taken early retirement or had a change in direction and is seeking something different without being complicated. Covid has taken it's toll like most other businesses and as a result we have changed our life style to have more of a life, so something had to give.
The selling price would only just about about cover the cost of stock, so it's almost like getting the business for free. Ingoing tennant to cover full costs of landlords legal fees and all vendors costs relating to sale / transfer of business.
Do not pay any deposit to private sellers upfront. If you are looking to purchase a business, we advise that any deposits or transactions made are through a solicitor to prevent fraudulent activities from occuring.
Do not share confidential information with any private sellers, including your home address, account passwords, bank accounts and credit card information.
The vast majority of these scams involve the transfer of substantial sums of money. We advise all transactions made are through a solicitor to prevent fraudulent activities from occuring.
Send a test amount before you consider handing over a large amount of funds. Maybe even try transferring £1, and then speaking to your solicitor to confirm receipt.
Do not disclose proof of funds directly to the sellers. If the sellers request you to show proof of funds, we advise that it is done through a solicitor to prevent fraudulent activities from occuring.
Buying a business is not covered by consumer rights legislation. It is your responsibility to acquire a business that holds up in quality and agreement.
Fraudsters will typically use false news in an attempt to get you to act quickly. For example, 'Your account has been disabled. Reset your password now.'.
Review the performance of a business to make appropriate financial projections. Some businesses are dormant or not trading, so it is essential to check their short and long-term potential.
Legitimate emails from Rightbiz will be with the domain However, emails from [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] are not affiliated with Rightbiz.
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Do not pay any deposit to private sellers upfront. If you are looking to purchase a business, we advise that any deposits or transactions made are through a solicitor to prevent fraudulent activities from occuring.
Don't share confidential information with any private sellers, including your home address, account passwords, bank accounts and credit card information.
The vast majority of these scams involve the transfer of substantial sums of money. We advise all transactions made are through a solicitor to prevent fraudulent activities from occuring.
Send a test amount before you consider handing over a large number of funds. Maybe even try transferring £1, and then speaking to your solicitor to confirm receipt.
Do not disclose proof of funds directly to the sellers. If the sellers request you to show proof of funds, we advise that it is done through a solicitor to prevent fraudulent activities from occuring.
Buying a business is not covered by consumer rights legislation. It is your responsibility to acquire a business that holds up in quality and agreement.
Fraudsters will typically use false news in an attempt to get you to act quickly. For example, 'Your account has been disabled. Reset your password now.'.
Review the performance of a business to make appropriate financial projections. Some businesses are dormant or not trading, so it is essential to check their short and long-term potential.
Legitimate emails from Rightbiz will be with the domain However, emails from [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] are not affiliated with Rightbiz.
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