"; echo "RightBiz.co.uk

Forwarding to secure payment, please wait...
or click here to skip this page and continue with secure payment"; die; } if (!$title || !$email_address || !$cemail || !$f_name || !$l_name || !$tel || !$pass || !$cpass || !$add1 || !$town || !$county || !$postcode) { $error = "* All fields must be completed.."; } if ($title == "Mr") {$Mr = "selected";} if ($title == "Mrs") {$Mrs = "selected";} if ($title == "Miss") {$Miss = "selected";} if ($title == "Ms") {$Ms = "selected";}; if ($title == "Dr") {$Dr = "selected";} if (!$error) { // this makes sure both emails entered match if ($_POST['email_address'] != $_POST['cemail']) { $error = "
Your email did not match, please try again..

Please ensure that both the email address entries are the same

"; } } if (!$error) { // this makes sure both passwords entered match if ($_POST['pass'] != $_POST['cpass']) { $error = "
Your Password did not match, please try again..

Please ensure that both the password entries are the same

";} } if (!$error) { include_once '../db.php'; $newpass = strtolower($pass); $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `buy_members` WHERE `email`='".addslashes($email_address)."' LIMIT 1"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { foreach($row AS $key => $val){ $$key = stripslashes( $val ); } if ($id) { $mid = $id; $update = @mysql_query("UPDATE `buy_members` SET `pass`='".addslashes($newpass)."' WHERE `email`='".addslashes($email_address)."' LIMIT 1"); } include 'tpl_done.html'; die; } } if ((!$error) && (!$id)) { $makekey = createRandomPassword(); $date = time(); $pass = strtolower($pass); $ref = $_COOKIE['rightbiz-ref']; $f = @mysql_query("INSERT INTO `buy_members` VALUES ('' ,'".addslashes($title)."','".addslashes($f_name)."','".addslashes($l_name)."', '','".addslashes($add1)."','".addslashes($add2)."','".addslashes($town)."','".addslashes($county)."','".addslashes($postcode)."','".addslashes($tel)."', '".addslashes($email_address)."', '".addslashes($pass)."', '".addslashes($date)."' , '".addslashes($ref)."', '','".addslashes($makekey)."','0','1','');") or die(mysql_error()); $mid = @mysql_insert_id(); @mail("$email_address","Re: RightBiz Buyer Account","Dear ".ucwords($f_name).", \n\nRe: RightBiz Buyers Account\n\nThank you for registering with RightBiz.co.uk\n\nYour login details are below: \n\nLogin Email: $email_address \nLogin Password: $pass \n\nYour can login from the address below:\n\n//www.rightbiz.co.uk/login/ \n\nThis is an automated email please do not reply to this email.\n\nPlease keep these details safe you will need them each time you login.\n\nKind Regards,\nRightBiz Support\n\nConfidentiality Statement:\nThis e-mail may include confidential and/or proprietary information, and may be used only by the person or entity to which it is addressed. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient or his or her authorised agent, the reader is hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by replying to this message and delete this e-mail immediately.","From: RightBiz UK "); $hour = time() + 3592000; $type="buyer"; $website=".rightbiz.co.uk"; setcookie("buy_ID_my_site", $email_address, $hour, "/", $website); setcookie("buy_my_site", $pass, $hour, "/", $website); setcookie("buy_my_siteactive", $active, $hour, "/", $website); setcookie("login_type", $type, $hour, "/", $website); include 'tpl_done.html'; } else { $tplbody = file_get_contents("tpl_register.html"); $header = file_get_contents("../header2.html"); $footer = file_get_contents("../footer.html"); $sidead = file_get_contents("../adside3.html"); $tplbody = str_replace("{header}", $header, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{footer}", $footer, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{sidead}", $sidead, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{error}", $error, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{Mr}", $Mr, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{Miss}", $Miss, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{Mrs}", $Mrs, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{Ms}", $Ms, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{Dr}", $Dr, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{f_name}", $f_name, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{l_name}", $l_name, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{add1}", $add1, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{add2}", $add2, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{town}", $town, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{county}", $county, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{contact_name}", $contact_name, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{tel}", $tel, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{email_address}", $email_address, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{cemail}", $cemail, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{pass}", $pass, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{cpass", $cpass, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{address}", $address, $tplbody); $tplbody = str_replace("{postcode}", $postcode, $tplbody); $outputline = split("\n",$tplbody); foreach ($outputline as $line) { if (trim($line)) { echo trim($line); echo " "; } } } function createRandomPassword() { $chars = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz023456789"; srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $i = 0;$pass = '' ; while ($i <= 7) { $num = rand() % 33; $tmp = substr($chars, $num, 1); $pass = $pass . $tmp; $i++; } return $pass; } ?>